Feeding, petting, exercising, walking, brushing, taking them to regular veterinary checks-taking care of a dog means a lot of things, and it requires us to be actively engaged in different aspects of our paw friend’s raising. However, providing our paw friend with high-quality food is maybe the most essential part of the process caring for a pet. Feeding our dogs typically includes feeding them their regular meal and giving them treats for different reasons- because they behave well, they have performed a given task very well, or just because we occasionally spoil them for being part of our family.
Treats are more important for dogs’ positive attitude to us as their owners, their trust in us, and also to their general well-being, than some of you may think. That is why it is essential that the treats you give your beloved friend contain natural and safe ingredients. The best way to make sure that you feed your dog treats of high quality is by actually making them yourself.
Today we will give you some ideas about how to make treats for your dog fast and easy. Let’s start with a product that is among the favorites ones for many dogs: peanut butter.
If you opt for this recipe, you need to make sure that the peanut butter you will be using does not contain Xylitol. Xylitol is toxic for dogs, and you should avoid it.
Peanut Butter Treats
1. Recipe with Tapioka
Peanut butter is used by some owners as a product that effectively distracts their paw friends during bath time so that they remain calm.
Ingredients That You Will Need:
-1/2 cup of peanut butter powder;
-1/2 cup of white flour;
-1/2 cup of tapioca flour;
-1/2 cup of water;
-2 tablespoons of canola oil;
-2 eggs.
You need to beat the eggs and mix all the ingredients until you have a homogeneous mixture. Pour the mix into a pan and put it in a preheated oven (350ºF). The mixture needs to be baked for about 12 minutes. However, this time is not fixed. Once you notice that the treats are already soft, you can pull the pan out and let the treats cool.
2. Recipe Without Tapioka
The second recipe is even simpler. All the ingredients you will need are:
-1/2 cup of peanut butter;
-2 cups of flour;
-2 cups of eggs.
You need to mix all the ingredients in a large bowl until they turn into a homogeneous mixture and gradually add water so that its texture gets similar to a dough. Roll out the dough alike texture and cut out shapes based on your preferences. Put the treats on a baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes.
Chicken Treats
1. Recipe (Canned Chicken)
Ingredients that you will need:
-Can of chicken, including the liquid- 10 oz / 284 gr;
-1/2 cup of white flour;
-1 cup of tapioca flour;
-1 tablespoon of coconut oil (coconut oil has many benefits for dogs when given in moderate amounts);
-2 eggs.
First, you need to mix the chicken and eggs. For this purpose, the use of a blender would be most suitable. Then you need to pour the mix into a separate bowl and add oil and flour. Stir all the ingredients together, so that you get a texture like a thick dough. However, the mixture should not be too thick, so it can get poured. Use a silicone mold and a cookie sheet to roll the dough onto them. Remove it from the dividers after you have ensured, that the mixture is in the holes. You need to put the mixture into a preheated oven (350 °F) and let it bake for 10-15 minutes. Once the treats have cooled, you can pull them out. You can store them in a refrigerator.
2. Recipe (Diced Chicken)
Ingredients that you will need:
-1 cup of diced chicken;
-1 egg;
-1 tablespoon of parsley;
-1/2 cup of cooked rice;
-3 tablespoons of rice flour.
Stir all the ingredients very well together. Pour the mixture into silicone molds and put these in an oven c Bake for about 15-20 minutes, until the treats get golden brown. Let them cool and remove them from the molds.
Apple Treats
1. Apple-Cheddar Biscuits
Ingredients that you will need:
-2 tablespoons of olive oil;
-2 cups of barley flour;
-1/2 cup of old-fashioned oats;
-1/3 cup of apple sauce (without added sweetener);
-1/3 cup of shredded cheddar cheese;
-1/4 cup of grated Parmesan.
You need to mix all the ingredients together and add 3 tablespoons of water so that the mixture gets a dough texture. Then you need to spread the mixture between two plastic wrap sheets. Cut out biscuit shapes with a cookie cutter (the shape is based on your preferences). Place the biscuits on a baking sheet. Put the sheet in a preheated oven to 350ºF and bake for about 30 minutes. Remove from the oven once the biscuits get browned and are solid enough. You can turn off the oven and leave the biscuits overnight and then store them in a vacuumed container for no longer than 2 weeks.
2. Apple-Cinnamon Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-1 egg;
-1 cup of quick-cook oatmeal;
-1/2 cup of apple sauce.
Mix the apple sauce and the oatmeal in a large bowl. Once they become a homogeneous mixture, add the egg and mix them again. Pour the mixture in a pan or on a cookie sheet, greased with oil. You can either use molds or a tablespoon to make big drop cookies. Place the pan / the cookie sheet in an oven (350ºF) and bake for about 20-25 minutes. Let the cookies cool prior to giving them to your paw friend.
2. Frozen Apple-Yogurt Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-2 apples;
-1 cup of nonfat plain yogurt;
-ice cube trays;
You can use all types of fruits that are safe for dogs and improvise.
You should remove the core and the seeds of the apples and then cut them into small pieces. Blend the apple slices and the yogurt and add some water. You need to get a homogeneous mixture. Then you need to pour the mixture into ice cube trays and let it freeze until it get hard (it may take several hours).
3. Apple-Ginger Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-1/2 cup of diced apples;
-1 cup of brown rice flour;
-1 tablespoon of coconut oil
-2/3 cup of plain yogurt;
-1/2 teaspoon ginger.
Mix all the ingredients together and pour the mixture on a floured surface. Roll it out, until it gets ¼ inch thick. Then you can cut it into shapes according to your preferences and put it on a baking sheet. Do not forget to spray so it won’t stick. Put the shapes into a preheated oven (to 350ºF) and let ti bake for about 20-30 minutes or at least they turn golden brown.
4. Apple-Carrot Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-1 cup of whole wheat flour;
-1 egg;
-1 cup of grated carrots;
-1/2 cup of apple sauce.
You need to mix all the ingredients together until they become a dough-alike mixture. Then you need to roll it until it get into small balls. Put these on a cookie sheet that is covered with parchment paper. You will need to gently press the dough so that the cookies do not get too thick, but no more than ½ inch thick. Bake the cookies until they become golden brown (for about 30-40 min). Let them cool on a wire rack.
Cheese Treats
1. Cheese and Sardine Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-2 eggs;
-1 can of sardines;
-150 gr / 5.3 oz of grated Parmesan cheese;
-75 gr / 2.6 oz of tapioca flour (plain flour works as well);
-A handful of vegetables (roasted);
Use a blender to mix all the ingredients together until you get a mixture that is dough alike. You can also add water as needed. Spread the mixture on a baking mat and put it in a preheated oven (320ºF). The baking time is about 15-20 minutes. However, once you notice that the treats have gotten crispy, you can pull them out of the oven.
2. Cheesy Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-2 cups of shredded cheese;
-4 cups flour;
You can add water and oil based on your preferences.
Mix the ingredients together and add oil and water, until it gets dough-alike. Then you need to pour flour on a cutting board and roll the mixture on it. In order to get the desired shape, you need to cut the mixture with a cutter in that shape. Place the mixture on a cookie sheet (without grease) and bake it in an oven (250ºF-350ºF) until it gets dry.
Pumpkin Treats
1. Easy Pumpkin Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-1 egg;
-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon;
-2/3 cup of canned pumpkin (plain pumpkin without additives);
-1-1/2 cup of flour
You will need to bake the mixture for about 40 minutes.
Mix all the ingredients until they get a dough texture. Pour flour on a counter and put the dough onto it. Then you should roll it out flat. Based on the shape you want to make, you need to get a cutter in a particular shape and cut out the forms. Place them on baking sheet that is covered with parchment paper. Put the baking sheet in an oven (about 350ºF) and bake for 40 minutes. Cool the treats off for about 20 minutes.
2. Pumpkin-Carrot Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-1 egg;
-1 cup of whole wheat flour;
-1/4 cup of shredded carrots;
-3/4 cup of canned pumpkin.
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until they get a homogeneous mixture. Roll the dough alike mixture into small balls and put these on a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven (350ºF) for about 30-40 minutes.
3. Frozen Pumpkin Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-1 can of 100% pumpkin purée;
-1 cup of plain yogurt;
-1/2 cup of peanut butter
Mix all the ingredients together and pour them onto ice cube trays. Let them freeze for about 12 hours.
Sweet Potato Treats
1. Sweet Potato Fries for Dogs
Ingredients that you will need:
-1 sweet potato;
-1 tablespoon coconut oil.
You can add just a pinch of cinnamon and turmeric.
You need to wash and peel the potato and then cut it into long pieces (frenchfries-shaped). Put them into a bowl and add some oil. Mix them together. Put the fry-shaped potato on a baking sheet. Put it into an oven (425ºF) and bake for about 10-15 minutes. In order to make sure that the fries are evenly baked you need to flip them over and bake for 10-15 minutes more. Always cool treats off prior to feeding them your dog.
2. Sweet Potato-Salmon Treats
Ingredients that you will need:
-1 sweet potato;
-1 can of salmon;
-1/3 cup of coconut flour;
-2 eggs.
You can add some coconut oil.
Beat the eggs until they have a homogeneous texture. Add the salmon and the coconut flour and let it rest for 10 minutes. Peel the potato, mash it well and add it to the mixture. Pour coconut oil in a cake pan and add the mixture. The baking time is about 60-70 minutes or until the mixture is solid and the eggs get a golden color. Let it cool and cut into pieces.
Recipe for Diabetic Dogs
Ingredients that you will need:
-2 eggs;
-1/2 lbs of ground beef liver (cut into small pieces);
-1/2 cup of whole wheat flour.
Blend the pieces of liver, and add the eggs and flour. Blend again until they get a smooth texture. Put the mixture on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake in an oven (350ºF) for about 15 minutes. Let the mixture cool and cut it into squares. Store in a refrigerator.