You are a total dog lover, who have been dreaming about cuddling with a cute fluffy ball on the coach, but you are allergic to dog fur? Those of you who can not tolerate dog fur or just do not want to invest much time in cleaning dog fur from the furniture, may want to consider getting a dog of a hypoallergenic breed. If your apartment is not really spacious, but you still want to share it with a dog, a small breed may be suitable for you.
In today’s article we will present you small dog breeds considered hypoallergenic, so that you can find your perfect paw friend!
Poodles come in different sizes- Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles, Medium Poodles and Standard Poodles. The dogs of this breed are considered family-oriented and a good choice for families with children. Also, Poodles are one of the most intelligent dog breeds, that can become great service dogs. If you need emotional support and comfort, you can benefit from both the small and the large breed versions. The Standard version is suitable for people who will benefit from more physically demanding tasks. The wonderful naturally curly coat of these lovely and smart dogs require regular brushing and grooming- at least every 3-6 weeks. Poodles are playful dogs with friendly personalities, who are open to people. Also, they are highly trainable. These cute doggies will bring much love in every home.
Bichon Frise
If you are thinking: “Aren’t these dogs such cute white balls of fur”, you are not the only one. The Bichon Frise is a perfect example of a cute, small dog who you can cuddle with while watching TV. The breed is hypoallergenic and suitable for small apartments. The representatives of the Bichon Frise are affectionate and get attached to their owner. Also, they get along with other animals and small children which makes them a good choice for families. The wonderful white coat of these almost child’s toy-look alike doggies require high maintenance. You should brush them 2-3 times a week (use a spray to mist the coat prior to brushing) and take them to a groomer at least once every 4 weeks.
Yorkshire Terrier
One of our favorite dog breeds! These little cute fellows may have a temper! They are smart, loyal and can be protective towards their beloved humans. They are suitable for families with kids, however, it is important, that you socialize them in a timely manner. Their silky coat has a texture more similar to the texture of human hair, than to dog fur. This means that you do not not need to worry if you have allergy to fur. Like the Poodle and the Bichon Frise, you will need to take care of your paw friends’ lovely coat and bring him/her to a groomer at least very 4-6 weeks. Bathing every other week and regular brushing will keep your doggie’s coat neat.
Miniature Schnauzer
The primary mission of these little fellows with a distinctive appearance was to catch rats. Their mission today is to bring joy, love and provide companionship to their beloved humans. The representatives of the breed are intelligent, affectionate, get along with children and are fun-loving. These doggies are alert and playful and have good tendencies to be guard dogs. However, they are not prone to bite. Your cute little fellow will enjoy receiving attention, so if you are about to leave the house, you will have to provide him/her with toys and treats so that he/she does not feel alone. The coat of these doggies is considered hypoallergenic and they hardly shed. If you decide to have a breed representative as your loyal paw friend, you should keep in mind that he/she will require regular brushing and grooming every 4-6 weeks.
These lovely doggies are also family-oriented and have friendly personalities. They can create a strong bond with their owners and get along with children as well. However, they can get injured, if mishandled, so you should supervise the interaction between your child and your paw friend. Your doggy will need routine maintenance, including brushing 2-3 times a week and weekly/biweekly bathing. If you opt for a Maltese, you will receive a loving companion who adores you and wants to be close to you. These doggies are smart, loving and affectionate and you will find a loyal paw friend whom you can cozy cuddle with at home. If you regularly leave them home alone, they may develop some bad habits due to anxiety, so you should you keep this in mind.
Shih Tzu
This adorable toy breed originates in Tibet, Asia. Its representatives are well-known for their distinctive features- a short muzzle, floppy ears and wonderful soft double-coat. These cute dogs have a calm demeanor and lovely personalities. They are affectionate, and friendly but can be a bit independent which can make the process of housebreaking them a bit challenging. The breed representatives are considered open to strangers and not argumentative when it comes to other pets. They are playful and active. Their lovely coat will need regular brushing, depending on its length and you will need to invest time in this activity- every day or every 2-3 days.
Scottish Terrier
The Scottish Terrier is another gorgeous hypoallergenic small breed, that deserves our attention. These small dogs with prominent look have played different roles in the modern culture. An interesting fact you may not know, is that the Scottish Terrier named Fala, the beloved paw friend of Franklin Delano Roosvelt, is featured in his statue in Washington. The breed representatives are known for their assertive, independent, but also very affectionate and playful temperament. The nickname “Diehard” has been given to them due to their determined personality. These doggies attach to their family and can become great watch dogs. If you have small children, you should properly socialize your paw friend to avoid any conflicts. These dogs may have tendencies to show dominance even over larger dogs, so you should keep that in mind. If you opt for this lovely breed, you will need to invest time in routine grooming- every 4-6 weeks, and regular brushing (about half an hour every week).
Chinese Crested
These small cute dogs with peculiar appearance are likely to originate in Mexico and South Africa, and not in China, as their name may suggest. It is believed that they were transported on ships by Chinese sailors, which was the reason for the name they were given. These doggies come in three variations: with hair, without hair and a mixed version. They develop a strong bond with their owner and family members, which may result in developing separation anxiety and exhibiting bad behaviors, if left alone for longer periods of time. They are likely to enjoy digging and climbing, hence you can provide them with a garden or a yard, they will enjoy playing in. However, digging, climbing, as well as barking and chewing may turn into bad habits, if not addressed properly. These small doggies can be quite vocal. The breed representatives get along with children, however, if the children are too small, you should monitor their interactions, as your paw friend may get easily hurt if handled too roughly. If you get a dog of this breed, you will need to bathe him/her regularly- every 1-2 weeks.
West Highland Terrier
Another lovely dog breed! Its representatives, also known as “Westies” are friendly, active, fun-loving and can become great family dogs. Your children will receive a loyal friend and an energetic play-mate! However, you should not forget to properly socialize your paw friend, if you want him/her to get along with unfamiliar dogs and small pets in the household. Adaptive, playful and open to new people, these dogs will bring a lot of joy in your life. If you would like to train your little buddy, you should start the training process at a young age, so that you can show who them is in charge. The wonderful double white coat of these doggies should be regularly maintained to stay neat.
Lhasa Apso
This wonderful breed, whose name means “Bark Lion Sentinel Dog” with a beautiful dense coat originates in Tibet. These doggies are affectionate with their family members and can get along with children. However, they should be socialized at a young age. Proper socialization with other dogs is also important, as these little cute balls of fur can be really suspicious towards unknown dogs. The lovely coat of these canines needs regular grooming, brushing- at least 2-3 times a week, and weekly or biweekly bathing. The breed representatives are intelligent and medium to highly energetic. You may be surprised to find out that your paw friend is not a typical coach potato, but a has a temper.
Coton de Tulear
These supper cute fluffy balls originate in the city of Tuléar, Madagaskar and remain the national dogs of the island. Their gorgeous cotton-like coat has a texture more similar to hair than fur, with a medium to long length. These cuties are great family dogs, get along with both other animals and children. Open to new people, playful and adaptive, these canines are great at providing companionship and bringing joy! The breed representatives are not considered barkers, however, they can bark occasionally when overly-exited or left home alone for longer periods of time. Their energy level as well as their need for a mental stimulation are considered medium. You will need to take care of your paw friend’s coat. Regular grooming, brushing 2-3 times a week and bathing every 1-2 weeks are recommended.
Meet the national dog of Cuba! This lovely breed, whose representatives are also known as “Havana Silk Dogs” or “Little White Dogs of Havana” are gorgeous small canines with robust bodies and gorgeous silky coat. If you are looking for a dog with a vivid personality and a friendly demeanor, who will enjoy providing you with comfort, this is the right dog for you! These cute doggies are friendly, social and can become great family pets. They get along with other animals and children. However, you should keep in mind that your paw friend may not endure spending a long time home alone. The breed representatives are social and may develop anxiety if they have to spend much time alone at home. Intelligent, social, adaptive, the Havanese will be a great addition to your family. When it comes to the coat of these doggies, you should keep in mind that you will need to brush it regularly (2-3 times a week) and always slightly mist it prior to brushing. Also, bathing every 1-2 weeks should be considered.
This dog breed originates in Africa and was originally bred for hunting purposes. It is known for the distinctive sounds that its representatives produce due to the unusual shape of their larynx. The peculiar vocalization, typical for the breed representatives, is the reason for the nickname “barkless dogs” that was given to them. The Besenjis are no longer used for hunting purposes and can become great family dogs. However, they can be quite protective towards their family and need proper socialization at a young age, especially if they will live together with small children. These dogs are intelligent, but can be a bit independent and thus not so easy to train. You should be careful if you have small pets, as the hunting instincts of your paw friend may prevail and make him/her chase the other pet. The breed is considered hypoallergenic whose representatives hardly shed and drool. The Basenji dogs clean themselves so you will not have to invest much time in grooming. However, bathing every few months is recommended so that the coat and the skin of your paw friend stay healthy.
Cairn Terrier
This gorgeous breed, originates in Scotland and it is known as one of the earliest working dog breeds in the country. These canines were bred to hunt prey between the so-called cairns (piles of stones made by men for different purposes, such as markers). The breed representatives are intelligent, loyal and alert doggies who can become great family dogs. Although these cuties are not typical lap dogs, and would prefer to engage in different activities than just sitting on your lap, they like to cuddle. They are energetic, affectionate and highly tolerant towards children. However, you should discuss with your children how to properly interact with your paw friend. The Cairn Terriers are likely to get along with other dogs, however, sometimes they may show temper. These canines have a playful disposition and have medium needs of exercise. In order to keep their coat neat, you will need to brush it regularly (several times a week) and always mist it slightly prior to brushing.
Bedlington Terrier
You may wonder what these cute almost lamb-alike doggies are. These canines are of the Bedlington Terrier breed and originate in England. They have been used in several sports as well as companion dogs. The breed representatives are known for their great swimming skills and for the high speed they can develop on ice. These dogs are smart and loyal. If you would like to make their representative your new family member, you should keep in mind that they are likely to be very affectionate and a little stubborn at the same time. They tend to be tolerant towards children and their playful demeanor makes them great companions for the kids. However, the Bedlington Terriers are likely to show territorial instincts and you will need to socialize them at a young age. Also, you should remember that they may want to show dominance and chase smaller animals. Grooming and clipping on a regular basis will be required to keep these doggies maintained. The breed representatives are prone to ear infections so you will need to invest time in cleaning their ears.