Trusted 5 Star Reviews

Deborah and Mal

Jan 21,2022

Hello, I am Deborah Decker. I am a 63-year-old disabled vet and in the last year, I have lost more than 80% of my sight due to a rare and aggressive eye disease.

About a year ago I started looking for resources and help and possibly getting a service dog but the man waiting. It is so long and lengthy I thought there would be no hope. I came across a group called and that day changed my life forever. I gave them a call and ask a lot of questions and concerns about finding me a service dog. They provide the most wonderful online training courses for individuals to train your own dog to do exactly what I have asked my good girl an 8-year-old Belgian Malinois to do for me. The training courses were fabulous. It was so simple and easy to follow. We had six training modules we had to complete step-by-step instructions on how to complete each task. They often had short video clips of their professional trainers performing the test showing you how to break it all down step by step to teach your dog. I've never seen an online course like this it was remarkable. My big girl is a special task for me that I'm unable to do on my own anymore. Without her help, my quality of life would not be great. This organization has given me the confidence the skills and desire to keep moving forward with additional training I could not have done this without them I never thought that I was capable of being able to do this but I was so wrong. They provide you with everything you need whether it is a letter for an ESA emotional support dog, PSA psychiatric service dog or just to learn the basic skills of videos for a happy healthy well-adjusted. I would highly recommend this to anyone. My girl and I completed the entire training in a little over 5 weeks we could have done it a lot sooner but we took our time and I wanted to make sure that we had all our Stills down strong and correct.

All her certification papers, licenses, tags, and identification patches have all been provided chill with me. She is now fully certified and licensed for life I will never have to retest again. This organization has changed my life forever oh, and I will never be able to thank them enough for the wonderful gifts and blessings they gave me with her online training course. I've had so many people come up to me and asked me if I would now help them learn to do for them when I get for me and my girl she's not only my best friend companion seeing eye dog now but she's giving me be back a quality of life that I would not have had without this training. So if you have ever thought about taking an online course like this, I highly recommend it because you will gain more out of this course than you can possibly ever imagine. I have found a new look at life now that I didn't have before, and I owe it all to this organization and the wonderful people who help me continue with a great quality of life. And I thank them from the bottom of my heart for the most miraculous blessings they could have given me that's why I'm sharing my story to encourage the rest of you out there.

If you're reading this story, then please consider taking the time to take this course. The money you spend will outway anything you could imagine. I found it fun and enlightening and learned that I am capable of doing anything in the future. You will see such a remarkable change in, not only yourself but also in the bond you have with your animal. Thank you for reading my story and I hope you find the courage to take that l next step forward for yourself in the future. Because it is one you will never regret.