- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington State
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming

Getting a service dog is a really important decision, that requires many things to be considered. Costs for food, regular veterinarian visits, grooming, enough space for living, the presence of children or pets at home as well as the training process- professionally or not, are important factors that owners need to pay attention to.
Service dogs help people with disabilities to regain their confidence and self-esteem by fulfilling tasks according to their particular needs on a daily basis. In order for a service dog to perform specific tasks, the canine needs to go through individual training. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) does not require dogs to be professionally trained which is why many owners decide to train their own dogs. This has of course many advantages. i.e.: the training process will be less expensive, training can be conducted from the comfort of your own home, you can adjust the training sessions to your particular needs. On the other hand, owners who decide to train their own dogs, need to be fully committed to the training process, have a lot of energy, understanding, knowledge of their dog’s needs, temperament, body language, and maybe the most important one- they need to be extremely patient. How quickly the training process will go depends on the dog’s temperament, age, and their owner’s skills, that is why some owners need to have patience.
In our articles, we took a detailed look at topics related to the different types of service and assistance animals. You already know that Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are no longer considered service animals, as they are not trained to perform specific tasks. An important type of assistance dog that is not so popular as ESA, but provides great assistance to people in different kinds of facilities like hospitals, senior care facilities, schools, libraries...etc., is Therapy Dogs. Similar to ESA these canines are not deemed service animals, as they are trained to behave well and suit the certain facility’s needs and not to perform specific tasks.
There are no universal requirements in regard to therapy dogs. In general, these dogs need to be very well-behaved, social, friendly, and easy-going around different kinds of people. Some owners decide to train their own therapy dogs, others prefer to contact training organizations. It is important to be aware of the needs, qualifications, and requirements of the facility and the people you would like to work with.
If you see more benefits in contacting a professional trainer, you may want to know where you can find an organization, specialized in therapy dog training.
We would like to help you make the decision easier and will list therapy dog organizations/trainers by state.
*Please note that some classes may be currently suspended due to the pandemic.
1. Dogs On Call (DOC): An Easter Seals Program
(334) 395-4489
DOC has over 50 certified Pet Therapy teams that visit many venues in the Tri-County area and beyond. DOC offers 2 training classes per year and requires teams to be evaluated annually to maintain their certification.
2. Hand in Paw
address: 6617 38th St S, Birmingham, AL 35222, United States
phone: +1 205-322-5144
Hand in Paw’s trained volunteer handlers and animal Therapy Teams help improve people’s lives in medical centers, schools, and human service organizations throughout North Central Alabama and Tuscaloosa. Their volunteer teams make visits through community events and participating facilities each year, helping children with special needs, at-risk youth, people with chronic and terminal illnesses.
3. Therapy Partners
address: 2227 Drake Ave Building #9 | Huntsville, AL 35805
phone: (256) 881-5700
“Serving the Tennessee Valley by providing Animal Assisted Therapy with registered teams of handlers and animals. Our volunteers work in healthcare, education, and military facilities”.
1. BARK (Beach Animals Reading with Kids) (California, Arizona)
address: P.O. Box 91478 Long Beach, CA 90809
phone: (562) 235-8835
BARK is an all-volunteer program that motivates children to increase their reading skills by reading aloud to certified therapy dogs. When available, BARK teams visit nursing homes, senior care centers, hospice, veterans centers, and de-stress college students during finals week.
2. Humane Society of Southern Arizona Pet VIP Program
address: 635 W. Roger Rd. Tucson AZ 85705
phone: (520) 327-6088
The organization was founded in 1944 and today it is a full-service animal welfare organization
In addition to its spay and neuter services, the organization offers vaccinations to help keep the pets of their community healthy. They have an Education and Outreach program to teach the importance of humane treatment and proper care of pets.
3. Companion Animal Association of AZ., Inc
address: P.O. Box 5006, Scottsdale, AZ 85261-5006
phone: 602-258-3306
email address: [email protected]
CAAA helps elderly and disabled persons with special needs relating to companion animals and the Human/Animal Bond. They help people with disabilities through the following programs: Social Pet Therapy and Pet Grief.
1. Arkansas Hospice
address: 14 Parkstone Circle | North Little Rock, AR 72116
phone: (501) 748-3333 or Toll Free (877) 713-2348
email address: [email protected]
Arkansas Hospice has a Therapy Dog Program that offers volunteers with certified therapy dogs the opportunity to visit patients in nursing homes and their inpatient facilities.
2. Central Arkansas Pet Partners
address: 323 Center Street, Suite 1800
Little Rock, AR 72201
email address: [email protected]
Pet Partners is a large non-profit registering handler of multiple species as volunteer teams providing Animal-Assisted Interventions. They work with local hospitals, treatment facilities, and non-profit organizations to assist them in developing and/or maintaining their Animal Assisted Therapy/Activities programs.
1. Animal Assisted Therapy SPCA of Solano County
address: 2200 Peabody Rd, Vacaville, CA 95688
phone: 707 448-7722
email address: [email protected]
address: 1941 North Texas Street
Fairfield, CA 94533
phone: 707 425-0292
2. Animal Friends Connection Humane Society (San Joaquin County)
address: 933 S Cherokee Lane, Lodi CA 95240
phone: (209) 365-0535
AFCHS maintains a Therapy Dog Program for dogs and their owners. The program is on its 16th year. The Therapy Dog program consists of an orientation session, temperament testing, and three on-site evaluations.
3. Animal Samaritans (Palm Springs area)
address: 72120 Pet Land Place
Thousand Palms, CA
42150 B Jackson Street Ste 106
Indio, CA
phone: (760) 343-3477
email address: [email protected]
Animal Companion Therapy at Animal Samaritans- volunteers and their companion animals visit the residents and patients of a variety of facilities, offering touching, petting, playing with and experiencing the unconditional affection of a pet.
4. Lend A Heart Animal Assisted Therapy
address: 11230 Gold Express Dr,
Ste 310 #284
Gold River, CA 95670
email address: [email protected]
Lend A Heart, Lend A Hand Animal-Assisted Therapy was founded in 1987 through the involvement and of local dog club members. It provided the Sacramento area with animal-assisted teams to be used in therapeutic settings. Today, they continue to provide the benefits of animal-assisted therapy through ongoing programs in a wide range of facilities and settings.
1. Professional Therapy Dogs of Colorado
address: 499 N, 499 Vaughn St, Aurora, CO 80011, United States
phone: +1 720-933-3910
PTDC was founded by Carri King-Bussard and Pat Blocker in 2011. PTDC provides education, training, and evaluation for dog/handler teams. PTCD services are designed for professionals and volunteers who are involved in the mental health field and want to work with their canine companions in providing canine-assisted interactions. One of the organization’s goal is to: enhance and expand the knowledge of working with therapy dogs in therapeutic sessions
2. Freedom Service Dogs of America
address: 7193 S. Dillon Court | Englewood, CO 80112
phone: 303.922.6231
email address: [email protected]
3. Lutheran Medical Center Pet Therapy (Greater Denver)
address: 8300 W 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
phone: 303-425-2964;
fax 303-425-8198;
The Lutheran Medical Center Pet Therapy Program started in 1989, one of the first pet therapy
programs in the state of Colorado. Volunteer teams visit Lutheran Medical Center, Collier Hospice Center and Colorado Lutheran Home.
1. Soul Friends
address: 300 Church Street Suite 105 Wallingford, CT - 83 Prospect Street, Waterbury, CT
phone: 203-679-0849
email address: [email protected]
The vision of the organization is to be a pro-active leader in research and service in the fields of animal-assisted interventions and nature therapy for children.
2. Tails of Joy
address:1131-O Tolland Turnpike, Suite 146 Manchester, CT 06042
phone: 860- 258-4100
Tails Of Joy was established in 1995 by a small group who were making regular pet therapy visits with their companion dogs to area nursing homes. Members currently visit many facilities and participate in a wide variety of programs with dogs, cats, and rabbits.
1. Literacy Education Assistance Pups
address: PO Box 50 Lewes, DE 19958
email address: [email protected]
L.E.A.P is a group of volunteers, based in Lewes, Delaware, whose goal is to increase the quality of reading education for the students in their community through the use of trained therapy dogs. The goal of the LEAP program is to improve the literacy skills of children and grow their enthusiasm for reading by using therapy dog teams (dog/owner) as literacy mentors.
2. PAWS for People
address: 703 Dawson Dr, Newark, DE 19713, United States
phone: +1 302-351-5622
PAWS for People (Pet-Assisted Visitation Volunteer Services, or PAWS) is a non-profit organization for providing therapeutic visits to any person in the community who would benefit from interaction with a well-trained, loving pet.
District of Columbia
1. National Capital Therapy Dogs
address: P.O. Box 234, Highland, MD 20777, United States
phone: +1 302-585-6283
email address: [email protected]
The organization consists of 200 active volunteer handler-and-pet teams throughout 4 different regions. Each volunteer undergoes standards-based training and evaluation, and is required to take continuing education workshops.
2. People Animals Love
address: 731 8th St SE, Washington, DC 20003, United States
phone: +1 202-966-2171
email address: [email protected]
Six days a week, People Animals Love dogs are listening to kids read on Zoom. This is a way for kids to gain skills and confidence in reading aloud. During the free 30-minute sessions, children read to two different PAL dogs.
1. Space Cost Therapy Dogs
address: P.O. Box 561326 Rockledge, FL 32956-1326
The organization was founded in 1992 with the mission to remove anxiety, provide companionship and eliminate loneliness and despair with volunteers and their companion dogs. A local organization based in Brevard County Florida comprised of certified therapy dog teams.
2. Canine Assisted Therapy
address: 1040 NE 45th Street Oakland Park, FL 33334
phone: (954) 990-5175
email address: [email protected]
The organization was founded in 2009 and has the goal to improve the health and well-being of children and adults by achieving specific physical, cognitive, social, or emotional goals through the use of certified pet therapy teams.
3. Paws for Smiles
address: Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 USA
email address: [email protected]
Paws for Smiles are a group of volunteers who visit nursing homes, hospices, hospitals and schools in South Florida through registered pet therapy dogs. All dog/handler teams are tested and members of Alliance of Therapy Dogs a national organization out of Wyoming.
4. Humane Society of the Treasure Coast
address: 4100 SW Leighton Farm Ave
Palm City, Florida 34990
phone: (772) 223-8822
fax: (772) 220-3610
email address: [email protected]
The goal of the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast is to provide compassionate care and nurture the bond between people and pets.
1. Happy Tails Pet Therapy
address: P.O. Box 767961 Roswell, GA 30076
fax: 404.591.5964
Happy Tails volunteer teams provide physical, social, emotional, and cognitive therapy to people of all ages. Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) is a kind of therapy in which pets are used in conjunction with physical and occupational therapy sessions, paired with a client and professional healthcare or human services professional who has a goal sheet for each visit.
2. CAREing Paws
address: 4 Terrace Park, Newnan, GA 30265
phone: 770-252-5303
email address: [email protected]
Careing Paws is a local group of registered therapy teams in Georgia that conduct visits in places such as nursing homes, hospitals, libraries and schools.
3. CPT Comprehensive Pet Therapy
address: 6600 Roswell Road Suite k2 Sandy Springs, GA 30328
phone: (404) 236-2150
Comprehensive Pet Therapy (CPT) is a training company based in Atlanta. CPT’s staff provides: group classes, in-home private lessons, private lessons at the CPT Training Center, boarding training, and boarding without training.
1. Helping Idaho Dogs
address: P.O. Box 993 Meridian, ID 83680
phone: (208) 991-9105
As a part of Helping Idaho Dogs, Inc., the focus area of Therapy Dog Teams is also known as Healing Paws. The goal is to train and provide ongoing support to their volunteer therapy dog teams so they can visit people throughout the community who will benefit from canine comfort and friendship. Healing Paws/Therapy Dog program is designed to take well-mannered, friendly canines and their humans through their process of educating, training, testing and preparing them to become registered volunteer therapy dog teams.
2. Pets Helping People Therapy Team
address: 3817 N 2500 E, Filer, Idaho 83328, United States
phone: (208) 490-6352
The organization aims to provide pet therapy for a variety of groups in their community. Several of the team members have regular visits with special needs classes, summer reading programs, behavior management classes, assisted living facilities and Alzheimer’s units.
1. Assisi Animal Foundation
address: P.O. Box 143 Crystal Lake, IL 60039-0143
phone: (815) 455-9411
email address: [email protected]
Fax (815) 455-9417
The AAF is a Not-For-Profit corporation dedicated to providing shelter, care and, where appropriate, re-homing animals to loving, permanent homes. One of the organization’s goals is to provide a pet therapy program to nursing centers and a continuing care program for dogs and cats.
2. Chenny Troupe
address: Chenny Troupe, Inc. 1700 W. Irving Park Rd Suite 311 Chicago, IL 60613
phone: 773.404.6467
fax: 773.404.6759
Chenny Troupe provides interactive, animal-assisted therapy programs to a wide variety of populations. Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a goal-directed intervention in which a trained, certified animal (Chenny Troupe uses only dogs in its programs) is an integral part of a rehabilitation or treatment process.
3. Hinsdale Humane Society
address: 21 Salt Creek Lane Hinsdale, IL 60521
phone: 630-323-5630
email address: [email protected]
The organization runs a therapy program- Pet-a-Pet Therapy Program, founded in 1982, it sends owner/pet teams to Chicago western suburban nursing home, memory care, adult daycare and retirement communities.
1. ICAN- Indiana Canine Assistant Network
address: 5100 Charles Court, Suite 100 Zionsville, Indiana 46077
phone: (317) 250-6450
ICAN trains and places service dogs people in Indiana with physical or developmental disabilities, with priority placement given to children and adolescents. One of the ICAN’s missions is to support the legal placement of dogs in these facilities and works closely with professionals who use them to care for a variety of individuals. For children 7 years and older, who have a disability, ICAN will consider partnering a dog in a “three-way team partnership”.
2. Meadow Park Labradoodles & Labradors
address: 8079 N Lewis Rd, Williamsburg, Indiana, 47393, United States
phone: 765.993.3218
email address: [email protected]
Their puppies are raised specifically for service and therapy work by puppy raisers that work with the puppies every day from birth on up until their trainer evaluates them at around 8 weeks of age.
3. Hendricks Regional Health
address: 1000 East Main Street Danville, Indiana 46122
phone: (317) 745-4451
email address: [email protected]
The organization serves west-central Indiana as a non-profit, healthcare organization with a legacy of community service. The organization runs the so-called Paws to Pet Program- specially trained dogs certified by Therapy Dogs International help to provide a soothing, familiar emotional experience for patients that can provide a positive impact on their health.
1. Miracles in Motion
address: 2049 120th St. NWSwisher, IA 52338
phone: (319) 857-4141
fax: (319) 409-8353
email address: [email protected]
Miracles in Motion has helped many students over the years with a work force of over 300 volunteers and a herd of 10-15 horses and 3 miniature horses. Their students come from Linn, Johnson, and other eastern Iowa counties, and consists of children and adults with physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges. Miracles in Motion meets the standards for safety and therapy set forth by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH, formerly NARHA). PATH provides continuing education for staff and instructors.
2. Therapy Dogs of Johnson County
address: 2102 Abbie Ct, Coralville, IA 52241, USA
phone: (319) 325-9926
email address: [email protected]
The organization, originated in 2006 with one handler and one dog. Maggie Winegarden had a vision of providing therapy through the benefits of the human/animal bond to members of their community via Animal-Assisted activities. The incorporation was completed in 2011. Originally, their group was associated with the Delta Society, which most recently became Pet Partners.
3. Knallhart
address: 4434 Taft Ave SE, Iowa City, IA 52240, United States
phone: 319-573-2133
text at: 319-573-2133
email address: [email protected]
The organization is specialized in basic pet obedience, AKC and Advance Obedience, Service and Therapy Dog Obedience and Certification and Dog Behavior Modification
1. Mo-Kan Pet Partners
address: P.O. BOX 7496 OVERLAND PARK KS 66207
Mo-Kan Pet Partners is a local Community Partner of Pet Partners, a non-profit registering handlers of multiple species as volunteer teams providing Animal-Assisted Interventions. Their volunteers are trained and evaluated through Pet Partners processes. At a local level, their members serve the health and educational facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, mental health programs, Veterans services, hospice organizations, schools) as well as camps, libraries, and community events.
2. Pets for Life
address: 7240 Wornall Rd. Kansas City, Missouri 64114
phone: 816-363-3665
fax: 816-363-9996
email address: [email protected]
The purpose of Pets for Life is to enhance the care and treatment of people in local hospitals, nursing homes, shelters for domestic violence, mental health programs, treatment centers for youth and corrections facilities through the use of certified therapy teams of pets and volunteers.
3. Canine Solutions
address: Canine Solutions DogSchool 417 N. Rawhide Drive Olathe, KS 66061
phone: 913.712.8742
email address: [email protected]
The Canine Solutions DogSchool offers 4 levels of obedience beginning with Puppy Socials for youngsters 8-20 weeks old. For dogs over 5 months Canine Life and Social Skills is available in three different levels: Bachelors, Masters, and PhD. Finally, if your dog is mature and you want to prepare yourself for certification consider our 6 weeks intensive Pet Therapy Class.
1. Love on a Leash
address: P.O. Box 4548 Oceanside, CA 92052-4548
phone: (760) 740-2326
email address: [email protected]
Love On A Leash a non-profit organization whose goal is to help volunteer pet therapy teams to engage in meaningful and productive animal-assisted therapy. The organization provides an accessible certification process that allows qualified therapy teams to provide effective pet-provided therapy services in their community.
2. W.A.G.S Pet Therapy of Kentucky
address: PO BOX 43504 Louisville, Ky 40253-0504
phone: (502) 562-WAGS (9247)
Wonderful Animals Giving Support (WAGS) is a not-for-profit, all-volunteer organization that brings people and pets together for companionship and therapy. Founded in 1999 the organization’s members and their dogs have visited many hospitals, nursing homes, schools and other facilities throughout the region.
3. Pawsibilities Unleashed
training center address: 363 Versailles Road, Suite E Frankfort, KY 40601
mailing address: P.O. Box 5316 Frankfort, KY 40602
phone: 866-411-PAWS (7297)
fax: 859-756-0103
email address: [email protected]
A non-profit organization that provides Service Dogs and service dog training to persons with disabilities to help improve their quality of life and help them lead a more independent and productive life using positive training methods. They also offer training, certification and insurance coverage for Therapy Dogs to visit facilities such as nursing homes, hospitals, and other facilities to provide affection and comfort to those in need. Their volunteer therapy team group visits facilities throughout Kentucky and other states.
1. Visiting Pet Program
address: P.O. Box 24748 New Orleans, LA 70184-4748
phone: 504-342-0593
fax: 504-335-1917
email address: [email protected] (preferred method of contact)
Originally created in 1987, the Visiting Pet Program became an independent non-profit organization in May 2000. They are an animal assisted activity/therapy program in the Greater New Orleans Area.
2. PAWS of NE LA
address: P O Box 15432 Monroe, LA 71207
phone: 318.397.0007
email address: [email protected]
In addition to retirement homes and hospital visits, PAWS Therapy offers Pet Responsibility Education to children at local schools and public libraries.
3. ZenDong
The ZenDong offers day training, private training, group classes, and board & train. The organization’s trainers can help you train your adult dog or new puppy, get a handle on behavior issues, and guide you through the process of training your own service or therapy dog. A
address: 858 C Ridge Road Duson, LA 70529
phone: 337-704-7076
email address: [email protected]
4. Warriors Unleashed
Louisiana Warriors Unleashed is dedicated to providing service K9s to Military Veterans and First Responders in need, free of charge to the Warrior. The organization aims to improve their quality of life, prevent suicide, and empower them to return to civilian life with dignity and independence.
address: Denham Springs, LA, USA 70726
phone: 2252108955
email address: [email protected]
1. Fidos for Freedom
address: 1200 Sandy Spring Rd Laurel, MD 20707
phone: 410-880-4178
phone: 301-490-4005
fax: 301-490-9061
email address: [email protected]
The vision of the organization is to increase the quality of life and provide companionship to the residents of their local community through specially trained service dogs, hearing dogs, and therapy dogs.
2. Pets on Wheels
address: P.O. Box 44176, Baltimore MD 21236
phone: 443-977-9726
Pets on Wheels is a non-profit organization that brings therapy animals to facilities across Maryland for friendly visits.
3. Wags for Hope
address: P.O. Box 1279 Frederick, MD 21702
email address: [email protected]
Wags for Hope (WFH) is a non-profit organization that provides volunteers with their pets to bring joy to the lives of others. They visit nursing homes, assisted Living Facilities, Hospitals, and Hospice. In addition, we supply local libraries and schools with certified R.E.A.D.® teams, who are using their animals as a conduit to help improve the literacy skills of the children in their community.
1. Bright Sport Therapy Dogs
Founded in 2004, Bright Spot Therapy Dogs has trained many therapy dog teams, and has a lot of healthcare, educational, and business facilities throughout New England requesting the volunteer services of their trained therapy dog teams.
address: PO BOX 132 LEEDS, MA 01053-0132
email address: [email protected].
2. Caring Canines Visiting Therapy Dogs
This is an all-volunteer, non-profit canine pet therapy program serving the Boston area. Established in 2001, they currently have over 100 volunteer dog and handler teams and serve over 60 facilities on a regular basis.
3. Dog B.O.N.E.S
address: Dog B.O.N.E.S. 38 Garden Rd. Scituate, MA 02066
phone: (781) 264-5537
email address: [email protected]
Dog B.O.N.E.S is an acronym for Dogs Building Opportunities for Nurturing and Emotional Support. This Massachusetts-based volunteer organization was established in May 2002. Their primary component is therapeutic contact provided by registered and insured therapy dog teams.
4. Flying High Farm
address: 611 Leominster Rd., Lunenburg, MA 01462, US
phone: (978) 582-7103
fax: 775-582-7103
Flying High Farm is a mental health practice dedicated to children, adolescents and young adults. Through the therapeutic power of animals, the clinicians at Flying High Farm work closely with individuals to build rapport, increase motivation for change, develop and practice positive behaviors and skills, promote effective communication.
1. Dr Paws Pet Therapy Dogs
address: Byron, Michigan 48418
phone: (248) 477-8686
email address: Byron, Michigan 48418
Dr Paws Pet Therapy Dogs was founded in 1994, to help new dog handling teams find and fulfill their volunteer efforts and as a support for those teams. The organization also provides the community and surrounding locations in helping facilities find therapy dogs that can visit locally.
2. Therapaws of Michigan
address: PO Box 92, Dexter, MI 48130
In 2001, the organization officially became Therapaws of Michigan, a non-profit corporation. It promotes and provides the therapeutic effects of the human-animal bond by placing qualified therapy dog teams, certified with Alliance of Therapy Dogs, at: hospitals, other health-care facilities, schools, libraries, special events.
3. West Michigan Therapy Dogs
address: P.O. Box 2533 Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2533
phone: 616-726-1256
email: [email protected]
West Michigan Therapy Dogs, Inc. (WMTD) is a non-profit organization consisting of volunteer therapy dog and handler teams that has been providing the western region of Michigan with Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) and Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) since 2001.
1. Bark Avenue on Parade
address: 4315 Oakdale Ave S Minneapolis MN 55424-1058
The goal of the organization is to conduct pet-assisted therapy. Bark Avenue's regular visit schedule includes multiple monthly visits at area hospitals. This is an independent, non-profit, all-volunteer organization, operating in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area of Minnesota.
2. Helping Paws of Minnesota
mailing address: P.O. Box 634 Hopkins, MN 55343
physical address: 630 12th Avenue South Hopkins, MN 55343
phone: 952-988-9359
fax: 952-988-9296
The mission of Helping Paws is to further people’s independence and quality of life through the use of Assistance Dogs. One of the programs the organization runs is “Facility Dogs”, that are professionally trained dogs working throughout the country in prosecutor’s offices, child advocacy centers, and family courts. They primarily provide a calming influence for children during stressful legal proceedings.
3. Twin Cities Obedience Training Club
address: 2101 Broadway St. NE Minneapolis, MN 55413
mailing address: PO Box 18417, Minneapolis, MN 55418
phone/ text: (612) 379-1332
TCOTC is a non-profit organization committed to strengthening the relationship between owner and their dog. They provide training opportunities in basic obedience, agility, flyball, tracking and therapy dog work, using principles of positive reinforcement and operant conditioning.
1. MidMo Dog Training
address: 12543 Country View Dr. Tebbetts, MO 65080
phone: 573-645-6153
email address: [email protected]
The organization offers group lessons, private lessons, and board and train. The organization’s head trainer is certified to give Therapy Dog Test.
Certified AKC Canine Good Citizenship (CGC)
Member of APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers)
2. Pet Therapy of the Ozarks
address: P.O. Box 9462, Springfield, MO 65801
phone: 417-848-PETS
This is a not-for-profit Missouri Corporation organized to provide emotional therapy visits to nursing homes, hospitals, schools and other facilities. They are based in Springfield, Missouri and serve institutions within a 50 mile radius.
3. CHAMP Assistance Dogs
address: 1968 Craig Rd - Ste 200 St. Louis, MO 63146
phone: (314) 485-1264
email address: [email protected]
This is a non-profit organization that places service dogs with people who have disabilities to help them lead lives of greater independence, and places facility dogs with professionals who utilize their dogs' special skills in healthcare facilities, courthouses, and children’s advocacy centers.
1. Midlands Pet Therapy
address: 1328 S 163rd St, Omaha, NE 68130, USA
phone: (402) 333-8116
Midlands Pet Therapy is a group of people who love sharing their dogs with people in a variety of facilities in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area like hospitals, libraries, rehab, heritage centers...etc.
2. Healing Heart Therapy Dogs
address: 15855 Bobwhite Trail Crete, NE 68333
phone: 402-450-1081
email address: [email protected]
The organization provides therapy dog classes and run the so-called READ to a Dog" program, that is open to children ages 5-13 at the Lincoln Public Libraries.
3. Domesti-PUPS
address: P.O. Box 21725 Lincoln, NE 68542
physical address: 141 Harwood Court Lincoln, NE 68502
text: 1-866-515-PUPS
phone: 402-465-4201
email address: [email protected]
This is a community organization based in Lincoln, Nebraska, that provides therapy dogs, service dogs for persons with disabilities, and obedience trained rescue dogs.
1. Michael’s Angel Paws
address: Las Vegas, NV 89139
phone: (702) 658-0148
email address: [email protected]
The organization’s therapy dog program began in 2014 and currently more than 300 active teams are engaged in volunteering throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
2. SmartyPaws Canine Coaching
address: 4161 N Rancho Dr #120 Las Vegas, NV 89130
phone: (702) 396-8501
fax: (702) 786-6410
The organization provides service dog training for owner-and-dog companionships in a variety of disciplines, including obedience, agility, therapy dog training, service dog training, doggie daycare/training, K9 nose work, barn hunt.
3. Truckee Meadows Dog Training Club
training center address: 1901 Silverada Blvd, Unit #6, Reno, NV 89512
mailing address: PO Box 1725, Sparks, NV 89432
phone: 775-747-7387
email address: [email protected]
This is a not-for-profit AKC certified training club serving the Reno/Sparks area. They offer classes in obedience, conformation, rally, agility, tricks, scent work, and carting as well as certification testing for STAR Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, and Therapy Dog.
New Hampshire
1. New England Pet Partners
P.O. Box 534 Pelham, NH 03076
email address: [email protected]
phone: 603-635-3647 / 603-661-3647
There are two distinct programs that NEPP offers: Pet Assisted Activities and Pet Assisted Therapy.
The organization expands the therapeutic role by training and offering licensed team evaluations to potential Pet Partner Registered Therapy Teams to visit or offer adjunct therapy in health care and education.
2. White Mountain College for Pets
address: 223 Mount Prospect Rd Holderness, NH 03245
phone: 603-536-4219
fax: 603-238-9568
Helping Paws is a pet therapy group run by White Mountain College for Pets. They arrange visits with local facilities and provide continuing training opportunities to their members.
3. Northeast Therapy & Service Dogs
address: 72 Bald Hill Road Newfields, NH 03856
phone: 781-771-1645
alt: 978-852-5355
email address: [email protected]
The organization’s vision is to build a sanctuary for dog training and development of pets, emotional support dogs and working dogs, while preserving the breed and enhancing qualities through purposeful breeding.
New Jersey
1. Kindred Souls Canine Training Center
address: Howell, NJ 07731 75 Brown Road
phone: (732) 367-4666
fax: (732) 367-4674
phone (Katherine Frank): 732-289-1597
email address: [email protected]
The Kindred Souls Canine Training Center offers a variety of services in a country home-like environment, designed to enhance the relationship between people and their dogs. The school offers a therapy class to Kindred Souls graduates of the school’s Basic Obedience class. The Therapy Dog Class is run by trainer Katherine Frank.
2. The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs
address: 80 Powder Mill Road Morris Plains, NJ 07950
phone: (973) 292-3316, (888) 738-5770
fax: (973) 292-9559
This is a charitable organization that evaluates, tests, trains and qualifies owners and their well-behaved dogs as therapy dog teams.
3. Sit and Stay Dog Training and Behavioral Counseling LLC
address: Rutherford, NJ 07070, USA
phone: 201.933.3369
email address: [email protected]
The organization offers: puppy kindergarten, basic training, advanced basic, CGC and therapy dog group classes. Private in-home training is offered throughout Northern New Jersey. The organization’s head trainer is a certified evaluator and volunteer for Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs and is engaged in visiting health care facilities and schools for over six years with the dog Maya. Maya received an Animal Hall of Fame Award for Therapy Efforts Given in Relation to September 11, 2001.
Therapy Dog programs have been introduced to several nursing homes, hospitals, libraries and schools throughout Northern New Jersey.
New Mexico
1. Dogwood Therapy Services
address: 3108 Alamogordo Dr NW Albuquerque, NM 87120
mailing address: 3108 Alamogordo Dr NW Albuquerque, NM 87120
phone: (505) 228-4650
fax: (866) 904-9976
email address: [email protected]
Dogwood Therapy provides occupational therapy services (and dog training) online and in person.
2. Southwest Canine Corps of Volunteers
PO Box 16792 Albuquerque, NM, US 87191
SCCV is a local, not-for-profit organization in the Albuquerque area, that has been offering pet therapy for more than 30 years. The organization partners with over 40 facilities, allowing its members to visit a wide variety of locations and provide pet therapy to many individuals in need of a furry friend.
3. High Desert Therapy Dogs
address: P.O. Box 9 Tome, NM 87060-0009
This is a non-profit all-volunteer organization, that provides therapy dog services to the Albuquerque metro area. The members are engaged in visiting hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, schools, libraries, the 911 call center and are available for outreach events where they can inform the public about therapy dogs and the work that they do.
New York
1. Paws of CNY
address: P.O. Box 2222, Syracuse, NY 13220
voicemail: (315) 457-7622
fax: (315) 883-1365
PAWS of CNY is a non-profit organization located in Central New York that is dedicated to enriching the lives of people and animals through mutually beneficial interaction. Over 100 volunteers bring their pets to visit residents and facilities like hospitals, nursing homes & assisted living facilities and to engage in youth reading, college de-stress, and education and community programs in Central New York.
2. New York Therapy Animals
phone: (212) 535-2211
email address: [email protected]
New York Therapy Animals is dedicated to bringing animal resources to human needs in healthcare facilities and to children in schools and libraries with the assistance of trained, licensed, and insured therapy animal teams.
3. Hudson Valley Therapy Paws for a Cause
phone: 914-953-6434
email address: [email protected]
The organization’s dog/handler teams are registered therapy teams. They are also certified Reading Education Assistance dogs. These R. E. A. D. dogs are trained to be a catalyst in assisting children who are struggling with reading. The teams are registered Red Cross Volunteers. Besides disaster relief, the Red Cross supports America’s military members, veterans, and their families.
North Carolina
1. Canine Caregivers Therapy Dogs
phone/text: Nina @ 704-213-7270
email address: [email protected]
This is an all-volunteer therapy dog organization in Salisbury, NC., whose goal is to bring the comfort and healing of a well-trained therapy dog to all people in need. The teams serve nursing homes, schools, hospices, in homes, group situations, adult daycare, special needs, Alzheimer’s care, etc.
2. Carolina Canines for Service
address: 221-1 Old Dairy Rd. Wilmington NC US 28405
phone: +1 910-362-8181
email address: [email protected]
The Canines for Therapy program trains owners and their pet dogs to provide animal-assisted visitations in hospitals, assisted living homes, schools, group homes, treatment facilities, and more throughout the Wilmington and Raleigh-Durham areas.
3. Dogs With A Purpose
address: Cary, NC 27511
phone: 919-448-1446
This is a volunteer organization that tests and certifies Therapy Dogs and their handlers to deliver canine-assisted therapy to institutions and facilities, wherever these services are needed. Dogs With A Purpose is a non-profit organization supported through annual membership dues and funding from grants.
North Dakota
1. Service Dogs for America
address: 920 Short St PO Box 513 Jud, ND 58454
phone: 701-685-2242
email address: [email protected]
The organization is engaged in training in different kinds of assistance and service dogs, including therapy dogs and arrange visits in: nursing homes, assisted living environments, mental health care facilities, other health care settings, juvenile detention facilities, education settings.
2. Grand Forks Dog Training Club
address: GFDTC, 1905 So Wash St, Grand Forks, ND 58201
email address: [email protected]
phone: 701-215-3005
The Grand Forks Dog Training Club aims to promote responsible dog ownership in the communities they serve, through seminars, workshops, and classes. The organization offers Therapy Dog classes as well.
3. Dakota Family Services
address: 6301 19th Ave. N.W. Minot, ND 58103
1227 N. 35th St. Bismarck, ND 58501
7151 15th St. S. Fargo, ND 58104
phone: 701-419-8953 701-419-8953 701-419-8679 1-701-419-8752
email address: [email protected]
The organization provides different kinds of therapy services, including animal-assisted therapy. Their animal-assisted therapy dog, Mack, and his human partner, Lucas Mitzel, have been providing animal-assisted therapy for mental health for three years. Mack is certified to work with people of all ages and has earned his K9 Good Citizenship certification.
1. ANGE PAWS Animal Assisted Activities & Therapy
address: 1280 Hillview Circle W., Newark, OH 43055
phone: 740.364.0824
email address: [email protected]
Angel Paws is a Therapy Animal organization that provides Animal Assisted Activities & Therapy to various populations. The organization serves: health care, education, community, children reading to dogs - Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.), a new program implementation.
2. Miami Valley Pet Therapy Association
address: P.O. Box 675 Troy, OH 45373
phone: 937-286-0028
email address: [email protected]
The organization educates and equips pets and their owners to provide animal-assisted therapy services to over 95 facilities throughout the Greater Miami Valley area.
3. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
address: P.O. Box 5202 Cincinnati, OH 45201-5202
phone: +1 513-636-4200
email address: [email protected]
The medical center runs a Dog Visitation Program that brings comfort and affection to children and families during a stressful or lonely time. To participate in the volunteer program, the applicants must be at least 21 years old and their dogs must be: at least 1 year old, have lived with them for at least one year, pass a behavioral evaluation given by Cincinnati Children’s. Behavioral evaluations for dogs take place only once a year, usually in January or February.
1. Creatures and Kids
address: P.O. Box 5011 Edmond OK 73083-5011
phone: 405-627-2369
email address: [email protected]
Creatures and Kids is engaged in a team certification for therapeutic animal interactions/intervention. Their instructors, volunteers, and therapy dogs visit local hospitals, library reading programs, senior facilities, and nursing homes.
2. Oklahoma City Obedience Training Club
address: 6629 NW 23rd St, Bethany, OK 73008, United States
phone: 405-942-2388
Their Therapy Dog Program provides training for volunteer dogs and handlers for doing therapy work in local hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and shelters and for disaster relief.
3. Full Circle Obedience
address: 2915 W Britton Rd. OKC, OK 73120
7823 NW 94th St. OKC, OK 73162
phone/text 405.721.STAY (7829)
email address: [email protected]
Founded in 1990, Full Circle Obedience offers different training classes, including Therapy Dog classes. Therapy dogs and their volunteer handlers serve communities by visiting nursing homes, hospitals, libraries, schools, hospices, individuals and other institutions and situations where they are needed.
1. Charlo Training
address: Wilsonville, OR
phone: (503) 348-4685
email address: [email protected]
Charlo Training offers both Therapy Dog Training Certification, as well as Service Dog Training.
2. Project Canine
Project Canine runs a therapy dog program. The therapy animal teams visit hospitals, schools, counseling centers, residential treatment facilities, skilled nursing and assisted living facilities, libraries, and detention facilities, as well as at other locations and events. The mission of the organization is to carry volunteers facilitating compassionate healing, learning, and connection through certified therapy animals. Project Canine in Oregon will offer their programs in Oregon in 2021 with a new joint-venture partner. This partnership will be announced when they reopen.
3. Dancin Woofs
address: 63027 Lower Meadow Dr, Bend, OR 97701
phone: 541-312-3766
email address: [email protected]
The organization’s private and group companionship classes take an educational approach using positive reinforcement focused on providing you with an understanding of dog behavior, health, and a window into the canine mind. The message to the public states:
“We invite you to join us anytime to observe a class or daycare, or just to visit our facility and see for your own eyes what is going on at Dancin’ Woofs, the home of the happy dog”.
1. Animal Friends
address: 562 Camp Horne Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237
phone 412.847.7000
email address: [email protected]
email address: [email protected]
Animal Friends runs a pet therapy program- Therapets. Each of the pet therapy teams undergoes special training and certification to ensure they are a good fit for the program. Accompanied by their human handlers, these dogs, cats and rabbits visit hospitals, specialized care facilities, college campuses and other locations throughout the region.
2. Comfort Caring Canines Therapy Dogs
address: 1011 Farrell Road, Wyndmoor PA 19038
email address: [email protected]
Comfort Caring Canines Therapy Dogs is a group of volunteers that visit community nursing homes, child care centers, schools, hospitals and senior citizen centers in southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the Delaware area.
3. Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services
address: 2120 Oregon Pike 2nd Floor Lancaster, PA 17601
phone: 888.685.7387
email address: [email protected]
KPETS volunteer teams promote well-being through human-animal interactions.
With more than 400 volunteer teams the organization provides over 10,000 hours of visitation each year with over 6,000 visits at no cost to individuals. They serve those in their communities at many facilities and agencies in South Central PA and Northern MD.
South Carolina
1. SC Dogs Therapy Group
address: POBox 12345 Sandy Springs, SC 29677
phone: 864-287-1919
email address: [email protected]
This is an all-volunteer organization that visits area facilities with their personal pets. Facilities they visit include hospice, nursing homes, rehab centers, mental health programs, children's camps...etc. The organization has created BARK, a reading program, for use in elementary schools.
2. South Caroline K9 Academy
address: located in Lugoff, SC the academy offers Dog Training in Columbia, SC (Including Forest Acres and Downtown,) Blythewood, SC Lugoff, SC Elgin, SC Camden, SC Eastover, SC and Lexington, SC
phone: 803-549-1557
email address: [email protected]
The academy provides different types of training like Obedience, Puppy Training, Therapy Training, Behavioral Problems, Personal Protection...etc.
address: 221 N. Grampian Hills Road Columbia SC 29223
phone: 803-788-7063
PAALS is a charitable organization committed to enriching and empowering children and adults with physical disabilities and social needs by training assistance animals and providing animal assisted educational and recreational activities. The PAALS Patriots Program is an animal-assisted therapy program for active duty service members and veterans with combat-related anxiety symptoms.
1. Mid South Therapy Dogs and Friends
address: 2095 Exeter Road Suite 80-105 Germantown, TN 38138
phone: 901 754.1190 901 336.0351
email address: [email protected]
Mid South Therapy Dogs and Friends is a non-profit charitable organization of volunteers who provide animal-assisted interactions in health care facilities, schools, libraries, and youth facilities throughout the Mid South.
2. TN Safety Spotters
address: P.O. Box 242091Memphis, TN Shelby County/ TN 38124 USA
phone: 901-610-1910
email address: [email protected]
TN Safety Spotters visit schools, libraries, hospitals, fire stations, camps, and special events. They are Registered Therapy Dogs, Canine Good Citizens, K9 Public Life Safety Educators, and R. E. A. D. dogs.
3. Music City Pet Partners
address: 512 Castlebury CT Franklin, TN 37064
email address: [email protected] or [email protected].
Music City Pet Partners teams are volunteers who are Pet Partners trained and insured therapy animal teams who visit, free of charge, facilities in need of enhancing the quality of care to their clients. The majority of their teams are therapy dog teams, but they do have several therapy cat and mini horse teams as well.
1. Angel Paws
address: ANGEL PAWS, INC PO BOX 21752 WACO TX 76702
phone: +1.254-744-9926
email address: [email protected]
Angel Paws aims to motivate people to heal physically, cognitively, emotionally, and spiritually, by receiving Animal-Assisted Therapy. The organization promotes the human-animal bond through the development of Animal-Assisted Activities/Therapy (AAA/T) programs. The organization’s members visit: libraries, hospitals, and nursing homes, schools and are engaged in community outreach programs.
2. Austin Dog Alliance
address: 1321 W. New Hope Drive, Cedar Park, TX 78613
phone: +1 512-335-7100
email address: [email protected]
Austin Dog Alliance is a donation-supported non-profit organization that was formed in 2006.
The organization provided service dogs for free for Texas veterans with combat-related PTSD and or mobility challenges. The organization provides Bow Wow Therapy Dogs for free at local schools and libraries. The Bow Wow Therapy has been provided as well at family courts, in the Children's hospital, nursing homes, and hospitals. ADA also provides professional instruction for civilians and veterans who want to train their own service dogs.
3. Huntsville Pets Helping People
address: 980 Fish Hatchery Road, Huntsville, TX
mailing address: 980 Fish Hatchery Road, Huntsville, TX 77320
phone: 936-291-7387
The goal of the organization is to help people through beneficial contacts with a companion, therapy animals and animal-assisted activity. The organization runs therapy programs, to unite people who have mental and physical disabilities and patients in healthcare facilities with professionally trained animals.
1. Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA)
address: 4050 South 2700 East Salt Lake City, Utah 84124
phone: 801.272.3439
fax: 801.272.3470
email address: [email protected]
ITA is a non-profit organization founded in Salt Lake City in 1993. ITA has over 300 therapy teams who visit over 100 facilities. The organization provides animal-assisted interactions and therapies to the communities in Utah, Idaho, and Montana.
2. Therapy Animals of Utah
address 2459 West 300 North Provo, UT 84601
phone: 801-706-1389
email address: [email protected]
Therapy Animals of Utah is a non-profit organization that aims to improve human health and well-being in partnership with therapy animals. The organization is the Utah Community Partner of Pet Partners, their national organization. Pet Partners (then known as Delta Society), a group of medical and veterinary researchers in the field of the human-animal bond, formed their Pet Partners visiting animal program.
3. Molli Dogs Training
email address: [email protected]
phone/text: 801-592-6912
Molli Dogs Training provides different service and assistance dogs training services. The organization offers Therapy Dog training and is a certified pet evaluator by Therapy Pets Unlimited.
1. Therapy Dogs of Vermont (TDV)
address: P.O. Box 1271 Williston, VT 05495-1271
email address: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
TDV is a non-profit organization of trained dogs and their volunteer handlers. The handler/canine teams work on the emotional health of hospital patients, students in educational settings, residents of nursing/retirement homes, and correctional facilities.
2. Gold Star Dog Training
address: Fairfax, VT, US 05454
email address: [email protected].
Gold Star Dog Training offers a course for therapy dogs. The course takes 6-week and aims to give dogs and handlers the necessary skills for passing the test and for working successfully as a therapy dog team.
3. Caring Canines Therapy Dogs of Southern Vermont
The organization has over 60 teams that visit over 30 different facilities. These include adult daycare centers, schools, hospitals and assisted living facilities. The organization is recognized by AKC.
1. paws4people
address: 1121C-324 Military Cutoff Rd Wilmington NC 28405
phone: 910.632.0615
email address: [email protected]
The organization is specialized in training customized Assistance Dogs for two general groups: children and adolescents with physical, neurological, psychiatric, and/or emotional disabilities; and Veterans and Service Members with Chronic/Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), Military Sexual Trauma, and Moral Injury. The organization runs different programs including: paws4reading Education Assistance Dogs Program, paws4seniors Assistance Dog Program (certified Social-Therapy dogs visit nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, hospitals, geriatric hospitals and Hospices), paws4education Assistance Dogs Program.
2. Blue Ridge Mountain Therapy Dogs of Virginia
address: 194 Second Street Amherst VA, US
phone: 222 6901
email address: [email protected]
Blue Ridge Mountain Therapy Dogs of Virginia is a community organization of certified volunteer human /canine teams
3. K-9 Caring Angels
address: 9823 Godwin Drive Manassas, VA 20110
phone: 571-284-9554
email address: [email protected]
The organization’s therapy dogs work in assisted living facilities, hospice, fire stations, with children and young adults of all ages from kindergarten dog safety classes to collegians in the midst of midterms and finals.
4. Healing House
address: 20789 Great Falls Plaza #170, Sterling, VA 20165
phone: (703)661-6610
email address: [email protected]
Heeling House is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the lives of children with special needs through the use of Animal Assisted Interactions.
Washington State
1. Pet Partners
address: 345 118th Ave SE, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98005
phone: 425-679-5500
Pet Partners teams visit in a wide variety of settings and in various communities across the country and beyond with patients in recovery, people with intellectual disabilities, seniors living with Alzheimer’s, students, veterans with PTSD, people who have experienced crisis events, and those approaching end of life.
2. Sirius Healing
Animal Assisted Activities and Therapy Provider
Therapy Tester / Observer
address: 13320 Bagley Avenue N Seattle, WA 98133
phone: 206-363-3004
email address: [email protected]
Sirius Healing Founder Laurie Hardman and her cadre of Portuguese Water Dogs have been providing visits and training others to provide animal-assisted activities and therapy since the 1990s.
3. Reading With Rover
address: 7345 164th Ave NE Suite |145, Redmond, WA 98052, United States
phone: 425.482.1057
Reading with Rover is a therapy dog program serving the community of the Puget Sound.
Reading With Rover started out as a community-based literacy program volunteering in the schools, bookstores, and libraries of the Puget Sound area of Washington State. Now they offer the comfort of their therapy dogs at local hospitals, assisting living homes, rehabilitation facilities, and colleges.
1. Dogs on Call
address: PO Box 545 Poynette WI 53955
email address: [email protected]
Dogs on Call offers basic and advanced training for interested volunteers and their pets with Pet Partners Team Training and evaluation for Pet Partners registration. The organization also offers “matching” services for medical, residential, and educational facilities requesting visits from therapy dogs and outreach programs to promote the benefits of animal-assisted interactions.
2. Pets Helping People
address: 821 E Buttles Place Milwaukee, WI 53217-2414
phone: 414-393-1111
email address: [email protected]
The organization offers hands-on training, testing, and support for people who want to share the love they have for their dog with others through the practice of Animal-Assisted Interventions (pet therapy).
The organization also assists their handler/ pet teams to find appropriate opportunities for their pet therapy visits and offers educational and interactive presentations that expand understanding and appreciation for the benefits of pet therapy to residential and health care facilities, schools, businesses & groups.
3. Pawsitively Unleashed
address: 2109 Madison Street Stevens Point, WI 54481
phone: 715.347.3294
email address: [email protected]
Pawsitively Unleashed offers a 10-week, therapy dog-specific class that will get you and your dog ready to volunteer (or work) as a therapy team. Class includes the final exam evaluation and the 2 required facility observations for Therapy Animals Unleashed registration.
1. Alliance of Therapy Dogs
address: P.O. Box 20227 Cheyenne, WY 82003
1919 Morrie Ave. Cheyenne, WY 82001
phone: 307-432-0272 877-843-7364
fax: 307-638-2079
ATD is an international registry of certified therapy dog teams. They provide testing, certification, registration, support, and insurance for members who volunteer with their dogs in animal-assisted activities.
2. Rockin’ E Dog Training $ Consulting
address: 1482 Commerce Dr, Units J & K Laramie, WY 82070
email address: [email protected]
phone: 307-287-7861
The organization provides different services including therapy dog certification preparation.
3. Wyo Dogs Training
address: 733 Henry Rd Powell, WY 82435
phone: 307-754-2652
email address: [email protected]
WDT offers obedience and therapy training. Their trainer is an evaluator for The Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs.